31.3.2008 | 17:13
Glymur in Neðra-Sel this summer
Glymur frá Innri-Skeljabrekku will be covering mares in Neðra-Sel
The great stallion Glymur frá Innri-Skeljabrekku will be covering mares in Neðra-Sel this summer. Glymur is a beautiful, silver dapple five gaited horse, who is the highest scored stallion ever for riding abilities as a four year old. Glymur has excellent temperament, and we decided to use him again since our two foals from last year that we got out of him are just outstanding both as far as conformation and movemnent. The price for a studfee is 97.110 including tax, and marecare with one ultrasound.
© Urvalshestar | Address: Neðra Sel | Zip: 851 Hella | Country: Iceland | Tel: (+354) 451 2237 | Mobile: (+354) 659 2237
E-mail: urvalshestar@urvalshestar.is
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